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作者:ssle060317  发布日期:2010-05-19  浏览:3132  字体大小:[ ]
LA在中国是:“LA Yuan Lin”还是“LA Jing Guan”?
如果您在中国和景观设计师交流时谈到LA,你需要问清楚是“LA Yuan Lin”还是“LA Jing Guan”,因为“LA Yuan Lin”和“LA Jing Guan”在中国是不同的。
When discussing the field of LA in China you must be careful to specify LA Yuan Lin or LA Jing Guan, two distinct philosophical approaches to LA. 
The Reason for Two LA Societies in China
很多人来中国,有时会拿到中国同行的名片,有的名片印有“景观学会”、而有的名片印有“风景园林学会”,虽然中文完全不同,但是英语都是一样,翻译为:The society of LA,风景园林学会和景观学会的英语都是Society of LA。外国同行很疑惑,那为什么中国会有两个LA学会呢?是不是一个是真的,另外的一个是假的?
When foreigners visit China a great deal of confusion can arise from the translation of LA. While the Chinese names of associations are very specific; when they are translated to English their names become much less exact making it difficult to determine which group they should cooperate with.
其实,2个The society of LA 都是国家批准的合法的非营利性学术组织,只是一个学会是LA Yuan Lin,而另外一个学会:LA Jing Guan是中国首家景观LA Jing Guan行业学术团体,于2006年在上海成立。
In fact, both LA societies are legitimate state-approved non-profit academic organizations, they differ only in philosophy. LA Yuan Lin is linked to Chinese culture and deals with the traditional Chinese methods of garden design, while LA Jing Guan was established in 2006 and is devoted to the modern more scientific approach to LA.
The Disagreement on the Translation of LA in China
之前,Landscape Architecture(LA)被翻译成“Yuan Lin”。
景观生态学、景观建筑学、景观规划设计、景观设计、景观学等新理念、新思想在中国进行广泛传播,越来越多的景观设计师们把Landscape Architecture(LA)翻译成“LA Jing Guan”一词,学术界产生了“LA Yuan Lin”与“LA Jing Guan”谁是LA的争论。
Originally LA was translated as Yuan Lin and dealt only with the traditional method of garden planning. As landscape ecology, landscape architecture, landscape planning, landscape design and other modern concepts from the west, became more widespread in China, more and more landscape architects began to question the translation of Landscape Architecture (LA). This led to the creation of the term "LA Jing Guan" to encompass the new approach to LA however while the distinction between the two philosophies is quite clear in Chinese the English translation remains the same.
对外界看来,两派是对英语Landscape Architecture(LA)中文翻译为“LA Yuan Lin”还是“LA Jing Guan”是两家争议的导火线,而真正的核心问题是:LA这个名词所涉及的学科是“风景园林学”还是“景观生态学”。
The core argument comes down to LA Yuan Lin stands for traditional Chinese gardening and LA Jin Guan stands for what in the West is considered the modern approach to LA.
2006年,坚持将“LA Jing Guan”的学者们在上海发起成立了“Shanghai Society of LA Jing Guan”。成立大会上有400多名设计师及中国政府部门的领导出席并致辞。
In 2006 the Shanghai Society of LA Jing Guan was established with the support of over 400 landscape architects and government officials to represent the modern approach to LA in China.
Starting in 2004 the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in China was petitioned for the creation of new standards and a certification system for landscape architects. In 2006 the Shanghai Society of LA Jing Guan was established and LA Jing Guan President Gu Qin was appointed by the government to develop the Landscape Architects National Occupational Standards, which is used by the Chinese government to certify new landscape architects. Later that year the standards of certification were published and the position of Landscape Architect with four levels of qualification was established and listed in the China National Occupational Standards Directory.